We Used to Have a Brita in the Office… Until They Got Sued For False Advertising.
Brita used to be synonymous with filtered water like Chapstick with lip balm. But lately, they just haven’t been living up to that type of notoriety. After being sued by a man in California for misleading claims about what their filters actually filter, Brita released a statement saying their “products include a standard filtration option that improves taste and odor of tap water.”
Taste and odor. Right. That’s another way of saying that Brita’s standard filtration does a whole lotta nothing when it comes to the toxic sh*t floating around in our pipes. Suffice it to say that our office Brita went in the trash. But the whole mishap didn’t make us lose faith in water filtration as a whole because someone on our team led us to the holy grail: Sans’ Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier with UV Light.

While a Brita filter only fights against 15% of contaminants in your water, the Sans Water Purifier combats up to 99%, thanks to a four-stage reverse osmosis + UV-C purification process. In other words, Brita hardly does anything, but Sans gets the job done and then some. Here are 10 things Sans filters that Brita doesn’t, just to give you an idea.
1. Microplastics
Microplastics are one of those buzzwords that people say but don’t really understand. Fundamentally, they’re fragments of plastic that break off from pollution or everyday products, measuring less than 5 mm in length. And get this: the National Institute of Health says they can act as a medium for toxic substances like bisphenol A, which can lead to various diseases.

So… yeah. Definitely don’t want to be drinking this stuff. Thankfully, Sans uses the gold standard of water purification (4-layer Reverse Osmosis), which removes impurities down to .0001 microns in size. No microplastics in Sans’ water.
PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid) is a substance produced and used worldwide as an industrial surfactant in chemical processes. It’s known for being a “forever chemical” in that it doesn’t naturally degrade. Get some of this in your body, and it likely doesn’t leave.

Ingesting PFOA through your water has been associated with decreased antibodies, increased cholesterol, and even the development of kidney cancer. But one pass through Sans’ 4-stage Reverse Osmosis filters, and PFOA doesn’t stand a chance.
3. Antibiotics
You know that stuff you take when you get strep throat? Yeah, it’s good for making the sore throat go away, but prolonged exposure to antibiotics can kill off all the good, helpful bacteria co-existing with us, too—and this can lead to innumerable health problems.

But it’s the 21st century and we love quick fixes, and the unfortunate reality is that there’s an overabundance of antibiotics infesting our environments and our water supplies. The bottom line is that antibiotics should be prescribed by your doctor, not your faucet. With Sans, you can drink your water medicine-free every time.
4. Arsenic
Arsenic is naturally present at high levels in the groundwater of several countries (including the US). Left unfiltered, it can be highly toxic to the human body, and lead to cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and more.

While most municipal water systems should have the water free from high levels of arsenic by the time it gets to you, you can never be too careful with toxic contaminants like this. Sans will not only filter all of it out, it will give you a precise TDS (total dissolved solids) reading, showing in real-time how clean and safe the water is to drink.
5. Viruses & Bacteria
Bacteria are everywhere in our environment, including in surface waters and groundwaters. Drinking water with disease-causing bacteria, viruses, or parasites can, of course, make you sick. Sometimes, it can make you very sick.
It’s hard enough to stay healthy during flu season. We don’t need viruses and bacteria sneaking up on us while we hydrate. Thankfully, Sans uses a 5th layer of defense with their UV-C light that stops any pathogens instantly in their tracks. It also keeps the machine clean and free of mold.

On the other hand, another study found that Brita filters actually contributed to mold and bacteria by creating a breeding ground for the dangerous microorganisms that get stuck in the carbon filter. So yeah. Let’s just say we’re glad our Brita is in the trash.
6–10. Hormones, Unhealthy Minerals, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury
And that’s not even the end of it. Look, we could go on all day about how filthy municipal water can be and how absolutely ineffective a standard Brita filter is at purifying it. Sans, on the other hand, is up to 5x more effective than traditional water filters and simply plays no games when it comes to pure, clean drinking water.
At $499.99, this countertop solution is definitely more expensive than your typical Brita pitcher—but when you start looking into what Sans actually keeps you from ingesting, you’ll find ways to justify that price in a heartbeat. (We did, at least.)

Sans also has some pretty game-changing add-on features that we’ve been obsessed with… things like an Instant Hot feature, the water quality monitor we mentioned before, and an auto-dispense into the glass pitcher.
Sans, Our New Water Savior
Sans was born with the idea of a silent, sleek, medical-grade air purifier for your home. Founders Adam Bedford and John Fanelly wanted to clean the air, but they also wanted to design something that people would actually want in their homes.

So they did, and the Sans Air Purifier quickly became a huge success for how incredibly effective its filtration system was and how damn good it looked in any room. Looking ahead to the optimal wellness environment in the home, John and Adam decided to expand into water filtration.
And now the Sans Water Purifier is finding just as much success as its air-focused predecessor, if not more. This thing makes Brita look like a middle-school science project.
Your Brita Pitcher Should’ve Stayed in Your College Dorm Room…
Because with water purification this elite from Sans, Brita never stood a chance. We didn’t even need to see them get sued to realize that. Add in how sleek and minimalist Sans looks, along with how incredible the purified water tastes… and it’s game over.
Sans Water Purifier is at the top of the line when it comes to getting great tasting, healthy, clean water—straight from the tap. And when you consider that this 2021 study found that 118/120 surveyed locations in the US had drinking water with unsafe levels of PFAS, arsenic, or lead… that 4-stage Reverse Osmosis filtration system starts to sound pretty good. Seriously though, anyone can benefit from the simple but incredibly effective power of Sans Water Purifier.