When it comes to your bath towels, they are often times a very overlooked necessity. For example, when is the last time you said anything about them? In fact, do you even remember why you have that ugly pea green one hanging on the side of your bathroom? Maybe you got it at a huge discount of 70% off, or perhaps you were walking through some store and felt how soft that it was? What makes things even worse, is that fact that you are using that towel until it starts to smell extremely rank and simply won’t dry you off anymore. With that being said, why haven’t you gotten yourself and family a towel that is going to last a long time and help you stay clean?
If you are like anybody else on this planet, you have already had an experience with it. That being your shower towel starting to become very musty and stinky after only a couple of uses. Chances are that you tell yourself, ‘It doesn’t make any sense. I’m definitely clean when I get out of the shower, so how is my towel so stinky?’ This is just an ordinary thing that is going to happen no matter what you do. In fact, it is the best attributes of the shower that actually supercharge this dilemma. You know the amazing feeling of the steam and warm water. While your shower may be one of the best parts of your day, it is these very benefits that are actually hurting you at the same time.
When you have a dark, warm, and wet place, you are also going to have the perfect breeding ground for different types of bacteria. What this means, is that every time you take a shower, you are making your bathroom an even better place to grow bacteria. And what makes it even worse, is that your towel is actually the ideal breeding ground for all of this disgusting growth.
According to one article that was recently published in Time Magazine: ‘Towels are such great bacteria traps because every time you use a towel, you transfer your natural skin bacteria, and any other germs you’re carrying onto their surface.’ What that means is every time that you take a shower, you are building up an army of bacteria onto your towel, no matter how healthy and clean you may feel.
Now you may be thinking, ‘How can I stop all of this bacteria growth from happening? Should I start using a new towel every time that I take a shower or bath?’ Luckily the answer to these questions is no, you do not need to start using a brand-new towel every time that you take a bath or a shower. In fact, there is actually a much better solution.
This is exactly where using an antimicrobial towel is going to be the perfect solution for you. While there are many different types of ‘antimicrobial towels’ out there, many of them are going to be very cheaply made and not really fulfill the duties that they claim they will fulfill. Because of this, it is recommended that you do your own research to find the best antimicrobial towel for your individual needs. But how are you supposed to know which antimicrobial towel is better than others?
What is an Antimicrobial Towel?
When it comes to towels in general, if you really think about it, they are actually kind of gross. You put them in the wash so that they are clean. They always come out smelling amazingly fresh, delicious and warm. You then wrap your just cleaned body in them, followed by throwing the onto a hook that you will then leave them on until you take another shower, which is more than likely at least 24 hours away, maybe more. This means that your wet, hanging towel is just going to sit there, collecting different bacteria. With that being said, there are only a handful of people who are going to wash their bath towels after every use, or for that matter, are going to want to wash the after every use. This means that the cycle will continue to go on and on.
While this may be the fate for most people, it actually does not need to be the fate for you. You see, some companies have partnered silver’s antibacterial and antifungal properties into a bath towel. Yes, there are actually silver infused towels that will help you eliminate any and all bacteria and fungus from your body when you use them after you get out of the shower or bath.
So, know you are probably wondering exactly how a towel that has silver in it is going to help keep you safe and your skin better?
Well, for starters, the better-quality silver infused towels that are going to provide the best possible antimicrobial properties, are going to consist of silver that has been blended with 100% organic cotton. When this combination happens, it will eliminate about 99.9% of all the bacteria and fungus that may be on your towel.
What makes silver infused towels so much better than regular towels, is that fact that they are going to actually make your skin healthier. Just think about it for a second. You will happily spend big money on products that promise to make your skin softer, more moist, and healthier, but then you use a dirty towel or sleep in dirty sheets that are only going to resist anything healthy you have done for your skin throughout the day.
When it comes to silver infused towels however, they actually carry a charge that is attracted to bacteria and will simply not allow it to grow or thrive.
Why Are Some Antimicrobial Towels Better Than Others?
The problem with most of the ‘antimicrobial’ towels available on the market today, is that the agents that are actually antimicrobial will end up washing out of the towel. Again, most of these types of towels just simply don’t last. And when this happens, unfortunately, your hopes of having a bacteria free towel are also going to end, meaning that you just sent a bunch of money down the drain along with your antimicrobial towel’s ability to do its job.
It is this positive charge that silver possesses that is going to help eliminate any type of bacteria or fungus from ever reaching your freshly cleaned body. What this means is that silver infused towels are going to essentially kill any kind of bacteria before it even has a chance to start reproducing.
What makes the science of silver infused towels even better, is that fact that all of the studies on the topic have only verified the results. This means that studies have been done on whether or not silver infused towels have actually helped to eliminate bacteria and fungus, and the answer is yes, it has. Besides from the studies that have proven that silver infused towels are amazing, there are also doctors that recommend you start using silver infused towels as well.
With all of the benefits that silver infused towels can provide you, it just makes sense to start using the right after you get out of the shower or bath. If you don’t, you are only going to be using an old regular towel that is a breeding ground for tons of bacteria and fungus, most of which you are not going to want anywhere near you.
Just be sure that when you are shopping for your silver infused antimicrobial towel, that you make sure it is of a higher quality and comes with some type of guarantee. If the product is good (as with any type of product nowadays), if the product is able to back up all of the claims that it is making, they will have an amazing guarantee.
Besides doing your research on which silver infused antimicrobial towel that you are going to start using, you should also drop a line to your local health care provider to let them know exactly what you are planning to do as well. Your health care provider will be able to let you know whether using silver infused antimicrobial towels is a good idea, or if it is something that you should stay far, far away from. On top of that, they will also be able to make sure that you are always monitored and watched over for safety. The last thing that you want to happen is to have somebody try to start using a silver infused antimicrobial towel, and then discover that they are allergic to something within the towel. If your health care provider knows exactly what you are trying to do, they will be able to monitor you and make sure that you stay safe, no matter what conditions may pop up.
At the end of the day, it is completely up to you to decide what type of towels you should use. If you do your homework, you will discover that silver infused antimicrobial towels are going to be the way to go.